Sunday, November 11, 2007



Unknown said...

digidave's comment wasn't a real comment - it didn't really address the content of the post. this was your fault not his. there wasn't much content to play with.

but now you are a veteran mr c. sketch, and i credit myself with being a first real commentator. you have been pushing that afghanistan book for some time - it is a fitting opener.

love the short. which talent agency did you go to to find such a good lookalike/soundalike for the piece?

compositsketch said...

this REALLY expensive talent agency based out of Oakland.

the guy usually does stunt work for Pitt, Affleck, and Buschemi.

Unknown said...

"Four Stars...Exhilarating, A Timmy Tour-de-Force"
- K. Thuran, L.A. Times